Academic Presentations

Conference & Seminars Presentation (Selected)
(11-13 June)
'Hamas From Within: Impediments for and Effects of Regional Dynamics in the Middle East,' Paper presented at the III 'Middle Eastern Congress on Politics and Society.' Sakarya University, Turkey (13 June 2016).
(08-09 November)
'The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, and the Arab Spring.' Paper presented at 'The International Conference on Conflict Prevention in the Middle East: Searching for Alternative Ways.' Istanbul, Turkey. Invited talk.
(09-11 October)
'Revolutions and Political Transformation in the Arab region: Achievements and missed opportunities: The Israeli-Palestinian Case.' Paper presented at 'The Middle Eastern Congress on Politics and Society.' Sakarya University, Turkey.
(24 February)
'Palestinian Cultural History: The Transformation of the Palestinians and the Institution Building Process (1948-1983).' Paper presented at the Friday Seminar Series (Host: Prof. Avi Shlaim). University of Oxford, Middle East Centre.Invited talk.
(09 December)
'Aufstände und politische Transformation in der arabischen Welt (GE).' Talk organized by the People High School of Bern (VHSBE).Talk in German.
2010'Swiss public diplomacy in the Arab world (GE).' Presentation organized by the People High School of Bern (VHSBE), University of Bern, Switzerland.Talk in German.
(29 April)
'The Biography of Palestinian Intellectuals and the Establishment of a Palestinian State 1948-1982.' paper presented at the 12th International Cultural Studies Symposiums. Ege University, Izmir, Turkey.
(23 March)
'Al-mašhrū' al-waṭanī al-filisṭīnī lil-taqaddom al-ṯaqāfī' [المشروع الوطني الفلسطيني للتقدم الثقافي /The Palestinian national project of cultural Advancement in exile 1948-1982]'. Presented at the Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies, the American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanon. Invited talk.
(26 February)
'The Palestinian National Project of cultural advancement in exile 1948-1982.' Paper presented at the Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies (CAMES), the American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanon.Invited talk.
(03 October)
'The PLO Institution Building Process: A Cultural History of the Research Centre and Planning Centre 1965-1982.' Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO), University of Erfurt, Germany.
(28 August)
'The PLO Institution Building Process 1965-1982.' Paper presented at the Inaugural Conference of the International Society for Cultural History (ISCH), 27. August – 31. August 2008, University of Gent, Belgium.