Palestine within the unfolding regional order in the Middle East
How have regional dynamics and domestic pathologies since 2010 affected (i.e., constrained or delimited) Palestinian reconciliation and rapprochement between Fatah and Hamas?
This article concludes that the interplay of systemic and domestic factors has notably set the two rival movements on distinctly different trajectories of national unity.
Article Name
Hamas-PLO/Fatah Reconciliation and Rapprochement within the Unfolding Regional Order in the Middle East
How have regional dynamics and domestic pathologies since 2010 affected (i.e., constrained or delimited) Palestinian reconciliation and rapprochement between Fatah and Hamas?
This article concludes that the interplay of systemic and domestic factors has notably set the two rival movements on distinctly different trajectories of national unity.
Philipp O. Amour
Publisher Name
Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi
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